ANKARA, TURKEY - FEBRUARY 14: In this photo illustration a coronavirus (2019-nCoV) positive blood sample is displayed on February 14, 2020 in Ankara, Turkey. ( Aytaç Ünal - Anadolu Agency )
У Мукачеві за минулу добу не виявлено жодного випадку коронавірусу

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - FEBRUARY 26: Airport authorities prepare for coronavirus (Covid-19) check-up to the passengers, who arrive Moscow from Beijing and Hong Kong, for them to go through physical examinations at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, Russia on February 26, 2020. ( Sefa Karacan - Anadolu Agency )
На Закарпатті п’ята смерть від коронавірусу

ANKARA, TURKEY - FEBRUARY 14: In this photo illustration a coronavirus (2019-nCoV) positive blood sample is displayed on February 14, 2020 in Ankara, Turkey. ( Aytaç Ünal - Anadolu Agency )